There is more than $ 2000 billion money circulating at money market or forex markets , This is  equivalent with 1/3 of all financial activity in the world. And there is a reality that from full scale of man who is strarting forex business, 90% between it is experiencing bankcruptcy. Only just 10% of which can stay to yield profit.

There is many trader who have opinion that if  got much profit and rich from forex  business, they will not go broke. This is very wrong statement because practically some people that is successfully collects wealth from forex business also able to experience bankcruptcy. Take example by an extreme condition, like financial crisis.

Then what differentiating trader which able to stay and permanent of profit with previous trader of profit then went broke ?

Very simple . This caused by a real trader can maintain victory. Even a trader beginner also might possibly become rich because they are ready . They standing by x'self with open mind for always always learning and acts follows trend or even leads trend .They have strategy and different  money management for every condition of market. And strong mind and balance psychology to face what is going.