There are three principles to determine goal in order  that what  we do  become productive activity.

1.         Goal had to compiled by positive words

Goal had to formulated by by positive words, because our subconscious brain didnt know negative words like " NO" .

example when we asked to " Don’t think about lion ! " , it is quite uncanny we thought it.

When we asked " what Is your goal?" 70 % traders areconfusion because they haven’t  purpose, 20 % had purpose but formulated by negative words and just 10% having purpose in positive words.

When trader has purpose with negative words, like " I do not want to lose" , this trader instead gets hit. Therefore purpose mus  formulated by positive words like " I want to be profitable trader "

2.         Goal must specific

Our Subconscious brain can work although we are sleeping . That is why when before sleep if we intended to wake up at 5 AM on morning, subconsciously we can wake up precise at 5 am morning.

Its different when  before sleep we just wish to wake up at morning. Its possibly tomorrow we are woke up  at  6 am morning or 7 am morning

Its same with our goal, when we have specific goal, our subconscious brain help to realizes all of our purpose .

In the forex trading  we must determine our goal like I want get profit $25 per day or $350 week or $ 2000 per month or $14000 per year

3.         Goal must be written

There is a survey done by an university in England, result is  only 3% student having written goal.
And twenty years after that, it is really surprising that amounts of property from 3% student that had written purpose more than  97% student that is not had no written purpose.

Therefore hardly suggested to write our goal.